How can Snapbots Maximise Your Trading Opportunities in a Bullrun

3 min readNov 23, 2020

Covid-19 caught everyone off guard. In March, Bitcoin(BTC) prices crashed to around $5000-$6000. That may have been a misfortune for some, or maybe a blessing for others. Regardless, the pandemic showed society the true value and importance of decentralized financing, pushing bitcoin prices into a bull run towards its all time high of December 2017.

At its current pace and foundation, experts estimate bitcoin will be worth $341,000 in 2025, up from the current $18,000 margin. That is a 3230% increase! Profits derived from bitcoins can exceed all expectations and logic, but losses can too. Despite the risk in undertaking this endeavor, many are still ready to jump into the fray.

To be able to minimize risk and expand profitable opportunities, traders must maintain a clear head at all times and give rational decisions. Cryptocurrency pricing often stems from human emotions and judgement. When caught in a downtrend, many traders hold on to false hope, and continue investing in the currency hoping it will recover. Of course, it may do so. But more often than not, this ends up as a huge loss for the trader. Let’s look at the bitcoin crash in the late 2017s. Many traders hung on to this thread of thought and continued buying more currency. In the end, the price fell to a low. Though the price of bitcoin is slowly approaching it’s all time high again, you will never know when whales, people who own large amounts of BTC, decide to pull out profit and cause a massive downtrend. This may cause a recession on the pricing, causing many who just joined to suffer losses.

By basing off of market trends and trade volumes, it is possible to estimate when the prices will go up or down. In the current bullish market, this skill is a key to have. Though it seems simple, since manipulation of the market occurs more often than not, it may be difficult to spot. In addition to that, bitcoin trades alone occur around 4.6 times per second, this causes price fluctuations every single second. One way to be able to catch these changes beforehand would be the use of artificial intelligence(AI). AI analyses large amounts of data instantly, and can catch these changes in real time. Furthermore, using various algorithms, they can predict future events before they even occur, allowing users to take pre-emptive steps. One key strength of AI would be its lack of emotions. AI is able to use data and decipher a rational pathway to take, rather than the user’s whim and fancy.

Snapbots is a company that offers high tech AI trading bots to consumers. AI bots are not common in the market despite the overwhelming resources devoted to it. Much AI technology is only accessible to large companies, not for regular traders. Snapbots AI bots come at a small cost despite its high functionalities. The bots can recognize news that may affect prices, or detect regular chart patterns based on past data. By compiling this information, it can execute auto-investment for the user’s profit.

It is still not too late to get into cryptocurrency. With Snapbots AI bots, you will be able to make the most out of a short span of time, and grow your wealth at an exponential rate of up to 3.9% a week! Snapbots gives users a platform to embrace future technology. In the current bullish rise of cryptocurrency, it is essential for users to grasp every profit-making opportunity they have, and take advantage of this rise to the fullest.

Up your Trading with Snapbots Now!

About Snapbots (by Snap Innovations)

SnapBots develop a community to buy or build financial Bots and humans that seek to maintain a self-sustaining Bot economy. SnapBots can leverage from the human community to crowdsourcing their knowledge for certain situations. The crowdsourcing activities help the Bots to learn extremely fast, optimize conditions and generate solutions.

About SNAP

SNAP is short for SnapBots Token based on Ethereum and that is used in SnapBots blockchain-based AI bots’ economy.

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