How Snapbots can Help You Earn Passive Income

3 min readNov 23, 2020

Want to go from rag to riches in a single night? Seen those 4000% returns and you want in?

Being the newest fad in the industrial world, Cryptocurrency has been on a rise lately. Despite the large potential profits one can earn from cryptocurrency, this market also poses a significant larger risk for investors. So what are some ways one can earn from crypto without trading?

The most traditional method would be Mining. Mining refers to discovering new blocks and adding it to the blockchain. By mining and verifying this block, the block will then be given to the user as a reward. Though miners often get quite a large amount of currency from mining, it is also insanely tough work. Miners have to use their computing power to uncover a 64 digit code for the block. In essence, you are trying to force break a 64 digit long password. To do that, one needs either a lot of luck, or a lot of software. Companies today have factories solely for the purpose of farming. Comparing that to a mere standard computer, the result is definitely very clear. In addition to tough competitors, the amount of reward given for mining today has substantially decreased. For Bitcoin(BTC), the reward halves every 210,000 blocks mined. At present, the reward is 12.5 BTC per block. If this halving continues, the cost for mining would probably outweigh the rewards gotten from it.

Of course, mining is not the only way to earn from crypto. With the mining pools becoming more and more limited, many crypto users have started turning to Staking. Staking simply involves placing cryptocurrencies into a wallet and earning passive income by verifying the cryptocurrency inside is authentic. This way, it can be ensured no false cryptocurrencies are added into the pool in the meantime. Though this method is a sure win strategy for earning more currencies, the rewards earned are also incredibly low. In traditional staking, rewards are distributed based on factors like age of the currency and the amount of currency owned. Without a sufficient capital, rewards from staking may seem insignificant in the short run.

How can we earn more via staking? Snapbots is an AI/Blockchain organisation that has developed AI bots to maximise earnings for users. By staking cryptocurrency using their new staking programme, users can earn up to 3.9% worth of profit within a single week!

How? Snapbots AI bots use a bunch of methods at once to rake in the most revenue within a short time. Arbitrage is one of these methods, which utilises small price differences on different exchanges and locks in opportunities via quick transactions. The AI bots have been programmed to increase profits while sustaining the least volatility, allowing users to be at ease. Furthermore, unlike classic locked staking where users are unable to take out deposited funds, Snapbots offers flexible staking. In the case the crypto has to be withdrawn due to urgent matters, users will be able to do so instantly. By staking with Snapbots, users can continuously earn income without having to handle manual work and trade 24/7. With such high profits and low volatility, what are you waiting for?

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About Snapbots (by Snap Innovations)

SnapBots develop a community to buy or build financial Bots and humans that seek to maintain a self-sustaining Bot economy. SnapBots can leverage from the human community to crowdsourcing their knowledge for certain situations. The crowdsourcing activities help the Bots to learn extremely fast, optimize conditions and generate solutions.

About SNAP

SNAP is short for SnapBots Token based on Ethereum and that is used in SnapBots blockchain-based AI bots’ economy.

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